Sunday, May 31, 2009

Does Forex Trading USA make money?

Forex Trading Basics :

It is probable that if a new forex trader has actively traded stocks in the past (ex; day trading stocks with a direct access level II broker or swing trading with an online broker), he is already familiar with some of the basic trading information that will be covered in this section of the forex training.

Does Forex Trading USA make money?

Since Forex Trading USA provides trading to its customers - the same training that others charge thousands of dollars for - does the company make money? This is a valid question and one that comes up often whenever an offer sounds "to good to be true." The answer is "YES." We could not operate this business if profitability was not a concern. It is just that we operate using a different business model than the typical forex broker. Please read on.

All brokers make money from the trading activity of their clients. This is a well-known fact. Like other forex brokers, we make money from the spreads; the difference between the bid and ask prices (if this sounds foreign to you, read the forex education section). The more our customers trade, the more money we make. This is the only business model that the great majority of brokers employ. As long as their clients are trading euros, dollars or yens, they are happy. We are different. We want our clients to have a better chance of succeeding in forex trading. After all, the longer our clients do well trading, the better it is for us. That is why we decided to train our clients. Since a lack of knowledge is one of the main reasons why traders fail, forex training can greatly improve a trader's chance of being successful. It's like everything else in life. The more you know about something, the better you can become at it. Instead of charging our clients thousands of dollars for training, we decided to provide a more effective and affordable solution to our customers. We know that we are risking our time and money when we train a client that might never place a trade - but that is a risk we are willing to take. Even though no one can guarantee if a trader will make money or not, if we can become the reason for a trader's success, we have a customer for life.

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